Tsevni2 avatar Tsevni2 > Sets > Complete U.S. Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1792-1964

Set Name
JCR's Complete US Type Set
U.S. Coins > Type Sets > Complete Type Sets
Set Rank
Set Completion
27 / 132
Missing Items
Total Points
Liberty Cap Half Cent, Left Facing, 1793No Coin Allocated8.00
Liberty Cap Half Cent, Right Facing, 1794No Coin Allocated7.01
225primary imageLiberty Cap Half Cent, Right Facing Small Head, 1795-17971795 Liberty Cap Half Cent Plain Edge, Punctuated Date NGC VG-8 BNVG-8 BN3211041-0016.0NGC10121795Liberty Cap Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBNPlain Edge, Punctuated Date012
861primary imageDraped Bust Half Cent1806 Draped Bust Half Cent Small 6, No Stems NGC XF-45 BNXF-45 BN3891699-0093.0NGC10931806Draped Bust Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBNSmall 6, No Stems013
1116primary imageClassic Half Cent1835 Classic Half Cent NGC MS-62 BNMS-62 BN1751341-0042.0NGC11681835Classic Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBN014
1116primary imageBraided Hair Half Cent1855 Braided Hair Half Cent NGC MS-62 BNMS-62 BN2612518-0042.0NGC12331855Braided Hair Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBN015
Chain CentNo Coin Allocated9.06
Wreath CentNo Coin Allocated8.07
Liberty Cap Cent, Beaded Edge, 1793No Coin Allocated10.08
225primary imageLiberty Cap Cent, Denticle Edge, 1794-17961795 Liberty Cap Cent Plain Edge Sheldon 77 NGC VG-8 BNVG-8 BN3743645-0896.0NGC357261795Liberty Cap Cent1cUnited StatesBNPlain Edge Sheldon 77019
315primary imageDraped Bust Cent1807 Draped Bust Cent Large Fraction Sheldon 276 NGC F-15 BNF-15 BN2046424-0024.0NGC364511807Draped Bust Cent1cUnited StatesBNLarge Fraction Sheldon 2760110
324primary imageClassic Cent1810 Classic Cent PCGS F-12 BNF-12 BN309563575.0PCGS15491810Classic Cent1cUnited StatesBN0111
1116primary imageMatron Cent1837 Matron Cent Small Letters NGC MS-62 BNMS-62 BN3334467-0042.0NGC17321837Matron Cent1cUnited StatesBNSmall Letters0112
1181primary imageBraided Hair Cent1855 Braided Hair Cent Upright 55 NGC MS-63 BNMS-63 BN585330-0012.0NGC19071855Braided Hair Cent1cUnited StatesBNUpright 550113
1116primary imageFlying Eagle Cent1857 Flying Eagle Cent NGC MS-62MS-623732085-0162.0NGC20161857Flying Eagle Cent1cUnited States0114
1116primary imageIndian Cent, Copper Nickel No Shield, 18591859 Indian Cent NGC MS-62MS-623513684-0812.0NGC20521859Indian Cent1cUnited States0115
1282primary imageIndian Cent, Copper Nickel, 1860-18641863 Indian Cent NGC MS-64+MS-64+3906368-0022.0NGC20671863Indian Cent1cUnited States0116
984primary imageIndian Cent, Bronze, 1864-19091905 Indian Cent NGC MS-67 RDMS-67 RD263743-0011.0NGC22221905Indian Cent1cUnited StatesRD0117
1023primary imageLincoln Cent, Wheat Reverse, 1909-19581909 Lincoln Cent V.D.B. NGC MS-66+ RD (CAC Green)MS-66+ RD4821020-0041.0NGCCAC24251909Lincoln Cent1cUnited StatesRDV.D.B.0118
936primary imageLincoln Cent, Memorial Reverse, 1959-19641960 Lincoln Cent Small Date NGC MS-66 RDMS-66 RD6594047-1151.0NGC28631960Lincoln Cent1cUnited StatesRDSmall Date0119
702primary imageTwo-Cent Piece1864 Two-Cent Piece Large Motto NGC MS-65 BN (CAC Green)MS-65 BN3225084-0011.0NGCCAC35761864Two-Cent Piece2cUnited StatesBNLarge Motto0120
1181primary imageSilver Three-Cent Piece, Type 1, 1851-18531851 Silver Three-Cent Piece NGC MS-63MS-633839183-0082.0NGC36641851Silver Three-Cent Piece3csUnited States0121
825primary imageSilver Three-Cent Piece, Type 2, 1854-18581854 Silver Three-Cent Piece NGC AU-55AU-555855653-0102.0NGC36701854Silver Three-Cent Piece3csUnited States0122
1116primary imageSilver Three-Cent Piece, Type 3, 1859-18721862 Silver Three-Cent Piece NGC MS-62MS-624755584-0032.0NGC36801862Silver Three-Cent Piece3csUnited States0123
378primary imageNickel Three-Cent Piece1871 Nickel Three-Cent Piece NGC AU-53AU-536519618-0051.0NGC37371871Nickel Three-Cent Piece3cnUnited States0124
1260primary imageShield Nickel, Rays, 1866-18671866 Shield Nickel Rays NGC MS-63 (CAC Green)MS-633722313-0032.0NGCCAC37901866Shield Nickel5cUnited StatesRays0125
1404primary imageShield Nickel, No Rays, 1867-18831868 Shield Nickel NGC MS-65 (CAC Green)MS-653607738-0132.0NGCCAC37951868Shield Nickel5cUnited States0126
658primary imageLiberty Nickel, No Cents, 18831883 Liberty Nickel No CENTS NGC MS-65MS-653733767-0011.0NGC38411883Liberty Nickel5cUnited StatesNo CENTS0127
624primary imageLiberty Nickel, With Cents, 1883-19131894 Liberty Nickel NGC MS-64MS-643041433-0011.0NGC38551894Liberty Nickel5cUnited States0128
729primary imageBuffalo Nickel, Type 1, 19131913 Buffalo Nickel Type 1 NGC MS-67MS-674712021-0041.0NGC39151913Buffalo Nickel5cUnited StatesType 10129
796primary imageBuffalo Nickel, Type 2, 1913-19381938-D Buffalo Nickel NGC MS-67+ (CAC Green)MS-67+4239387-0011.0NGCCAC39841938Buffalo Nickel5cDUnited States0130
866primary imageJefferson Nickel, 1938-19641940-D Jefferson Nickel NGC MS-66 FSMS-66 FS6594733-0021.0NGC840081940Jefferson Nickel5cDUnited StatesFS0131
765primary imageJefferson Nickel, Silver Alloy, 1942-19451943-D Jefferson Nickel NGC MS-68MS-684631918-0071.0NGC40201943Jefferson Nickel5cDUnited States0132
Flowing Hair Half Dime/Half Disme, 1792No Coin Allocated9.033
Flowing Hair Half Dime, 1794-1795No Coin Allocated5.034
Draped Bust Half Dime, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated6.035
Draped Bust Half Dime, Large Eagle, 1800-1805No Coin Allocated6.036
825primary imageCapped Bust Half Dime1831 Capped Bust Half Dime NGC AU-55AU-552580683-0012.0NGC42781831Capped Bust Half DimeH10cUnited States0137
861primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dime, No Stars, 1837-18381837 Seated Liberty Half Dime No Stars, Small Date NGC XF-45XF-454696365-0133.0NGC43121837Seated Liberty Half DimeH10cUnited StatesNo Stars, Small Date0138
755primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dime, No Drapery, 1838-18401838 Seated Liberty Half Dime No Drapery NGC AU-53AU-533054777-0102.0NGC43171838Seated Liberty Half DimeH10cUnited StatesNo Drapery0139
1316primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dime, Drapery, 1840-18591857 Seated Liberty Half Dime NGC MS-65MS-653749903-0222.0NGC43651857Seated Liberty Half DimeH10cUnited States0140
914primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dime, Arrows, 1853-18551853 Seated Liberty Half Dime Arrows NGC AU-58AU-582044713-0762.0NGC43561853Seated Liberty Half DimeH10cUnited StatesArrows0141
1116primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dime, Legend, 1860-18731872 Seated Liberty Half Dime NGC MS-62MS-622044713-0842.0NGC44001872Seated Liberty Half DimeH10cUnited States0142
Draped Bust Dime, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated7.043
135primary imageDraped Bust Dime, Large Eagle, 1798-18071805 Draped Bust Dime 4 Berries NGC G-6G-65864492-0045.0NGC44771805Draped Bust Dime10cUnited States4 Berries0144
182primary imageCapped Bust Dime, Large Denticles, 1809-18281827 Capped Bust Dime NGC F-12F-124774025-0013.0NGC45041827Capped Bust Dime10cUnited States0145
1133primary imageCapped Bust Dime, Small Denticles, 1828-18371835 Capped Bust Dime JR-8 NGC AU-53AU-533835767-0013.0NGC388861835Capped Bust Dime10cUnited StatesJR-80146
672primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, No Stars, 1837-18381837 Seated Liberty Dime No Stars. Large Date PCGS VF-35VF-35351319313.0PCGS45611837Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited StatesNo Stars. Large Date0147
574primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, No Drapery, 1838-18401838 Seated Liberty Dime No Drapery. Large Stars NGC XF-45XF-453889168-0022.0NGC45681838Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited StatesNo Drapery. Large Stars0148
1116primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, Drapery, 1840-18601857 Seated Liberty Dime NGC MS-62MS-625959743-0152.0NGC46141857Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited States0149
974primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, Arrows, 1853-18551853 Seated Liberty Dime Arrows PCGS AU-58AU-58314708382.0PCGS46031853Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited StatesArrows0150
825primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, Legend, 1860-18911887 Seated Liberty Dime NGC AU-55AU-556846610-0032.0NGC46981887Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited States0151
1181primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, Arrows, 1873-18741873 Seated Liberty Dime Arrows NGC MS-63MS-634737731-0102.0NGC46651873Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited StatesArrows0152
729primary imageBarber Dime1916 Barber Dime NGC MS-67MS-671873533-0041.0NGC48701916Barber Dime10cUnited States0153
996primary imageMercury Dime1940 Mercury Dime NGC MS-67+ FB (CAC Green)MS-67+ FB6352343-0061.0NGCCAC50231940Mercury Dime10cUnited StatesFB0154
956primary imageRoosevelt Dime1946-S Roosevelt Dime NGC MS-68 FBMS-68 FB4626457-0081.0NGC850841946Roosevelt Dime10cSUnited StatesFB0155
413primary imageTwenty-Cent Piece1875-S Twenty-Cent Piece NGC AU-55AU-553712967-0021.0NGC52981875Twenty-Cent Piece20cSUnited States0156
Draped Bust Quarter, Small Eagle, 1796No Coin Allocated8.057
86primary imageDraped Bust Quarter, Large Eagle, 1804-18071807 Draped Bust Quarter NGC G-4G-45904420-0135.0NGC53161807Draped Bust Quarter25cUnited States0158
336primary imageCapped Bust Quarter, Large Size, 1815-18281818 Capped Bust Quarter NGC F-15 (CAC Green)F-152214711-0014.0NGCCAC53221818Capped Bust Quarter25cUnited States0159
1350primary imageCapped Bust Quarter, Small Size, 1831-18381834 Capped Bust Quarter O/F, FS-901 Browning 1 NGC AU-50AU-502643094-0014.0NGC389921834Capped Bust Quarter25cUnited StatesO/F, FS-901 Browning 10160
1148primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, No Drapery, 1838-18401838 Seated Liberty Quarter No Drapery NGC XF-45XF-454493439-0024.0NGC53911838Seated Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesNo Drapery0161
1052primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, No Motto, 1840-18651861 Seated Liberty Quarter NGC MS-61MS-61656455-0122.0NGC54541861Seated Liberty Quarter25cUnited States0162
1133primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, Arrows and Rays, 18531853 Seated Liberty Quarter Arrows and Rays NGC AU-53AU-534745088-0013.0NGC54261853Seated Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesArrows and Rays0163
880primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, No Motto, 1854-18551854 Seated Liberty Quarter Arrows NGC AU-55 (CAC Green)AU-552627361-0052.0NGCCAC54321854Seated Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesArrows0164
1190primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, With Motto, 1866-18911880 Seated Liberty Quarter PCGS MS-62MS-62285142742.0PCGS55121880Seated Liberty Quarter25cUnited States0165
1370primary imageSeated Liberty Quarter, Motto and Arrows, 1873-18741874-S Seated Liberty Quarter Arrows NGC AU-58AU-58244723-0233.0NGC54951874Seated Liberty Quarter25cSUnited StatesArrows0166
1316primary imageBarber Quarter1904 Barber Quarter NGC MS-65MS-65562524-0022.0NGC56371904Barber Quarter25cUnited States0167
1822primary imageStanding Liberty Quarter, Type 1, 1916-19171917 Standing Liberty Quarter Type 1 NGC MS-67 FHMS-67 FH4882549-0052.0NGC57071917Standing Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesFHType 10168
903primary imageStanding Liberty Quarter, Type 2, 1917-19301930 Standing Liberty Quarter NGC MS-67 FHMS-67 FH4742865-0101.0NGC57791930Standing Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesFH0169
729primary imageWashington Quarter, 1932-19641954-S Washington Quarter NGC MS-67*MS-67*2084860-0751.0NGC58571954Washington Quarter25cSUnited States0170
263primary imageFlowing Hair Half Dollar1795 Flowing Hair Half Dollar NGC VG-8VG-81773432-0047.0NGC60521795Flowing Hair Half Dollar50cUnited States0171
Draped Bust Half Dollar, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated9.072
703primary imageDraped Bust Half Dollar, Large Eagle, 1801-18071807 Draped Bust Half Dollar NGC VF-25VF-255897822-0095.0NGC60791807Draped Bust Half Dollar50cUnited States0173
861primary imageCapped Bust Half Dollar, Half Dollar, 1838-18391839 Capped Bust Half Dollar Reeded Edge NGC XF-45XF-455842180-0053.0NGC61791839Capped Bust Half Dollar50cUnited StatesReeded Edge0174
861primary imageCapped Bust Half Dollar, Lettered Edge, 1807-18361826 Capped Bust Half Dollar NGC XF-45XF-453900317-0053.0NGC61431826Capped Bust Half Dollar50cUnited States0175
1370primary imageCapped Bust Half Dollar, Reeded Edge , 1836-18371837 Capped Bust Half Dollar Reeded Edge NGC AU-58AU-583578322-0163.0NGC61761837Capped Bust Half Dollar50cUnited StatesReeded Edge0176
1125primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, No Drapery, 18391839 Seated Liberty Half Dollar No Drapery NGC AU DetailsAU Details5855098-0015.0NGC62301839Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited StatesNo Drapery0177
755primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, No Motto, 1839-19661857 Seated Liberty Half Dollar NGC AU-53AU-534188743-0032.0NGC62901857Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited States0178
1238primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, No Arrows and Rays, 18531853 Seated Liberty Half Dollar Arrows and Rays NGC AU-55AU-551511969-0173.0NGC62751853Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited StatesArrows and Rays0179
1133primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows, 1854-18551854-O Seated Liberty Half Dollar Arrows NGC AU-53AU-534188471-0123.0NGC62801854Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cOUnited StatesArrows0180
1339primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, Motto, 1866-18911876-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS-63 (CAC Green)MS-63292157362.0PCGSCAC63541876Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cSUnited States0181
1370primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows, 1873-741874 Seated Liberty Half Dollar Arrows NGC AU-58AU-581981808-0073.0NGC63461874Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited StatesArrows0182
658primary imageBarber Half Dollar1906 Barber Half Dollar NGC MS-65MS-653907582-0011.0NGC65041906Barber Half Dollar50cUnited States0183
796primary imageWalking Liberty Half Dollar1940 Walking Liberty Half Dollar NGC MS-67+ (CAC Green)MS-67+4561779-0011.0NGCCAC66091940Walking Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited States0184
777primary imageFranklin Half Dollar1957 Franklin Half Dollar NGC MS-67 (CAC Green)MS-676083799-0011.0NGCCAC66721957Franklin Half Dollar50cUnited States0185
729primary imageKennedy Half Dollar, 19641964 Kennedy Half Dollar NGC MS-67MS-67503432-0231.0NGC67061964Kennedy Half Dollar50cUnited States0186
Flowing Hair Silver DollarNo Coin Allocated8.087
Draped Bust Silver Dollar, Small Eagle, 1795-1798No Coin Allocated7.088
696primary imageDraped Bust Silver Dollar, Large Eagle, 1798-18041799 Draped Bust Silver Dollar NGC VF-20 (CAC Green)VF-204326542-0036.0NGCCAC68781799Draped Bust Silver Dollar$1United States0189
2104primary imageSeated Liberty Silver Dollar, No Motto 1840-18651860-O Seated Liberty Silver Dollar NGC MS-61MS-611600417-0184.0NGC69501860Seated Liberty Silver Dollar$1OUnited States0190
1650primary imageSeated Liberty Silver Dollar, Motto 1866-18731871 Seated Liberty Silver Dollar NGC AU-55AU-553654482-0024.0NGC69661871Seated Liberty Silver Dollar$1United States0191
1674primary imageTrade Silver Dollar1876-S Trade Silver Dollar NGC MS-62MS-62555534-0063.0NGC70431876Trade Silver Dollar$1SUnited States0192
796primary imageMorgan Silver Dollar1880-S Morgan Silver Dollar NGC MS-67+ (CAC Green)MS-67+3316136-0061.0NGCCAC71181880Morgan Silver Dollar$1SUnited States0193
1316primary imagePeace Silver Dollar, High Relief, 19211921 Peace Silver Dollar High Relief NGC MS-65MS-653604590-0022.0NGC73561921Peace Silver Dollar$1United StatesHigh Relief0194
729primary imagePeace Silver Dollar, Low Relief, 1922-19351923 Peace Silver Dollar NGC MS-67MS-673222557-0081.0NGC73601923Peace Silver Dollar$1United States0195
1248primary imageLiberty Gold Dollar, Type 1, 1849-18541853 Liberty Gold Dollar NGC MS-64MS-64698543-0072.0NGC75211853Liberty Gold Dollar$1 United States0196
1370primary imageIndian Princess Gold Dollar, Type 2, 1954-18561855 Indian Princess Gold Dollar NGC AU-58AU-583608762-0023.0NGC75321855Indian Princess Gold Dollar$1 United States0197
1478primary imageIndian Princess Gold Dollar, Type 3, 1856-18891889 Indian Princess Gold Dollar NGC MS-66 (CAC Green)MS-663312540-0012.0NGCCAC75901889Indian Princess Gold Dollar$1 United States0198
Capped Bust Right Gold Quarter Eagle, No Stars, 1796No Coin Allocated9.099
Capped Bust Right Gold Quarter Eagle, Stars, 1796-1807No Coin Allocated7.0100
Capped Bust Left Gold Quarter Eagle, 1808No Coin Allocated9.0101
Capped Head Gold Quarter Eagle, Large Denticles, 1821-1827No Coin Allocated7.0102
Capped Head Gold Quarter Eagle, Small Denticles, 1829-1834No Coin Allocated6.0103
1820primary imageClassic Gold Quarter Eagle1834 Classic Gold Quarter Eagle NGC AU-55+ (CAC Green)AU-55+4243529-0044.0NGCCAC76921834Classic Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50United States01104
1974primary imageIndian Gold Quarter Eagle1925-D Indian Gold Quarter Eagle NGC MS-65MS-653103652-0033.0NGC79491925Indian Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50DUnited States01105
1457primary imageLiberty Gold Quarter Eagle1904 Liberty Gold Quarter Eagle NGC MS-67MS-674877526-0032.0NGC78561904Liberty Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50United States01106
1827primary imageThree-Dollar Gold Piece1878 Three-Dollar Gold Piece NGC AU-58AU-58627535-0124.0NGC80001878Three-Dollar Gold Piece$3 United States01107
Capped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle, Small Eagle, 1795-1798No Coin Allocated8.0108
2025primary imageCapped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle, Large Eagle, 1795-18071804 Capped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle Small/Large 8 NGC AU-50AU-50290416-0096.0NGC80861804Capped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle$5United StatesSmall/Large 801109
2475primary imageCapped Bust Left Gold Half Eagle, Large Bust, 1807-18121811 Capped Bust Left Gold Half Eagle Tall 5 BD-1 NGC AU-55AU-55452335-0046.0NGC5076001811Capped Bust Left Gold Half Eagle$5United StatesTall 5 BD-101110
Capped Head Gold Half Eagle, Small Bust, Large Size, 1813-1829No Coin Allocated6.0111
Capped Head Gold Half Eagle, Small Bust, Small Size, 1829-1834No Coin Allocated8.0112
1827primary imageClassic Head Gold Half Eagle1835 Classic Head Gold Half Eagle NGC AU-58AU-585956418-0064.0NGC81731835Classic Head Gold Half Eagle$5United States01113
1997primary imageIndian Gold Half Eagle1909-D Indian Gold Half Eagle NGC MS-64 (CAC Green)MS-641503816-0013.0NGCCAC85141909Indian Gold Half Eagle$5DUnited States01114
1462primary imageLiberty Gold Half Eagle, No Motto, 1834-18661852 Liberty Gold Half Eagle NGC AU-58 (CAC Green)AU-584188828-0123.0NGCCAC82501852Liberty Gold Half Eagle$5United States01115
1974primary imageLiberty Gold Half Eagle, Motto, 1866-19081900 Liberty Gold Half Eagle NGC MS-65MS-654658170-0013.0NGC84001900Liberty Gold Half Eagle$5United States01116
Capped Bust Gold Eagle, Small Eagle, 1785-1787No Coin Allocated8.0117
Capped Bust Gold Eagle, Large Eagle, 1787-1804No Coin Allocated7.0118
Liberty Gold Eagle, No Motto Covered Ear, 1838-1839No Coin Allocated7.0119
1827primary imageLiberty Gold Eagle, No Motto, 1840-18661847 Liberty Gold Eagle NGC AU-58AU-583475357-0014.0NGC85971847Liberty Gold Eagle$10 United States01120
2026primary imageLiberty Gold Eagle, With Motto, 1866-19071901-S Liberty Gold Eagle NGC MS-65+MS-65+3887827-0223.0NGC87491901Liberty Gold Eagle$10 SUnited States01121
Indian Gold Eagle, Rolled Edge, 1907No Coin Allocated7.0122
Indian Gold Eagle, Wire Edge, 1907No Coin Allocated3.0123
1772primary imageIndian Gold Eagle, No Motto, 1907-19081907 Indian Gold Eagle No Motto, No Periods NGC MS-63MS-632050758-0013.0NGC88521907Indian Gold Eagle$10 United StatesNo Motto, No Periods01124
2051primary imageIndian Gold Eagle, Motto, 1908-19331911 Indian Gold Eagle NGC MS-64+ (CAC Green)MS-64+3150177-0063.0NGCCAC88681911Indian Gold Eagle$10 United States01125
1827primary imageLiberty Gold Double Eagle, No Motto 1850-18661861 Liberty Gold Double Eagle NGC AU-58AU-583117869-0024.0NGC89321861Liberty Gold Double Eagle$20 United States01126
1674primary imageLiberty Gold Double Eagle, With Motto, 1866-18761873 Liberty Gold Double Eagle Open 3 NGC MS-62MS-624217190-0053.0NGC89671873Liberty Gold Double Eagle$20 United StatesOpen 301127
1316primary imageLiberty Gold Double Eagle, Twenty Dollars, 1877-19071904 Liberty Gold Double Eagle NGC MS-65MS-653215064-0032.0NGC90451904Liberty Gold Double Eagle$20 United States01128
2640primary imageSaint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, High Relief, 19071907 Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle MCMVII, High Relief, Wire Edge NGC AU-55 (CAC Green)AU-554469518-0056.0NGCCAC91351907Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle$20 United StatesMCMVII, High Relief, Wire Edge01129
2772primary imageSaint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, No Motto, 1907-19081908 Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle No Motto NGC MS-66MS-661837437-0034.0NGC91421908Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle$20 United StatesNo Motto01130
1386primary imageSaint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, Motto, 1908-19331923-D Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle NGC MS-66MS-661922650-0092.0NGC91761923Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle$20 DUnited States01131
