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1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold
Member Sets: 17 | Required Coins: 50
Top 5 All Time Leaderboard
1873collection avatar1873collection11873collection's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold72.0061.1521163public0
Mountain avatarMountain2Mountain's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold34.0057.449613public1
TheRiverbankCollectionofUSGoldCoins avatarTheRiverbankCollectionofUSGoldCoins3TheRiverbankCollectionofUSGoldCoins's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold12.0059.333121public2
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals4Precious.time.and.metals's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold10.0061.202946public3
alaura22 avatarAlaura225Alaura22's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold8.0062.252570public4
Current Leaderboard
1873collection avatar1873collection11873collection's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold72.0061.1521163public0
Mountain avatarMountain2Mountain's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold34.0057.449613public1
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals3Precious.time.and.metals's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold10.0061.202946public2
alaura22 avatarAlaura224Alaura22's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold8.0062.252570public3
GregsCoins avatarGregsCoins5GregsCoins's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold8.0060.252557public4
BeachDimes avatarBeachDimes6BeachDimes's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold6.0058.001714public5
epc avatarEpc7Epc's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold4.0066.501422public6
abpoe avatarAbpoe8Abpoe's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold2.0064.00707public7
VDBCoins avatarVDBCoins 9VDBCoins's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold2.0062.50651public8
woody avatarWoody10Woody's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold2.0040.00264public9
sanjoseslug avatarSanjoseslug11Sanjoseslug's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold2.001.00165public10
ShimonsworldEstate avatarShimonsworldEstate12Shimonsworld1's 1873 Mint and Proof Set with Gold2.0012.0061public11