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20th Century Type Set, Major Types, With Gold, 1900-1999 One Fifty-Eight Set
Member Sets: 9 | Required Coins: 50
Current Leaderboard
Tsevni2 avatarTsevni21JCR 20th Century Type Set AU58 and under including Gold86.0057.6244802public0
Mr_Spud avatarMr_Spud2Mr_Spud's 20th Circulated Century Type Set with Gold56.0057.9625675public1
dotson avatarDotson3Dotson's 20th Century Type Set14.0050.713961public2
ShimonsworldEstate avatarShimonsworldEstate4ShimonsworldEstate's 20th Century Type Set16.0038.622847public3
McCandless avatarMcCandless5McCandless's 20th Century Type Set6.0038.002797public4
Absurdum58 avatarAbsurdum586Absurdum58's 20th Century Type Set8.0042.002330public5
woody avatarWoody7Woody's 20th Century Type Set10.0053.402172public6
LHall65 avatarLHall658LHall65's 20th Century Type Set2.0050.00360public7
ToddPollock avatarToddPollock 9ToddPollock's 20th Century Type Set2.001.00330public8