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Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1794-1807
Member Sets: 9 | Required Coins: 10
Top 5 All Time Leaderboard
GregsCoins avatarGregsCoins1GregsCoins's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set30.0052.172634public0
The_Norwalk_Collection_of_HalfDollar_Overton_Varieties avatarThe_Norwalk_Collection_of_HalfDollar_Overton_Varieties2The_Norwalk_Collection_of_HalfDollar_Overton_Varieties's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set60.0020.002121public1
Camfamt124 avatarCamfamt1243Camfamt124's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set10.0045.00918public2
alaura22 avatarAlaura224Alaura22's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1794-180720.0036.50526public3
Mountain avatarMountain5Mountain's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set30.0023.33420public4
Current Leaderboard
GregsCoins avatarGregsCoins1GregsCoins's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set30.0052.172634public0
Camfamt124 avatarCamfamt1242Camfamt124's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set10.0045.00918public1
alaura22 avatarAlaura223Alaura22's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1794-180720.0036.50526public2
Mountain avatarMountain4Mountain's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set30.0023.33420public3
sanjoseslug avatarSanjoseslug5Sanjoseslug's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set10.001.00243public4
FLXtreeguy avatarFLXtreeguy6FLXtreeguy's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set10.006.0027public5
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals7Precious.time.and.metals's Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dollars Set10.003.0013public6