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Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present
Member Sets: 28 | Required Coins: 21
Top 5 All Time Leaderboard
Same as the Current Leaderboard for Top 5

Current Leaderboard
alaura22 avatarAlaura221Alaura22's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present95.2460.6012783public0
Tsevni2 avatarTsevni22JCR's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set Business Strikes90.4856.0510294public1
Mountain avatarMountain3Mountain's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set85.7155.679969public2
Longacre59 avatarLongacre594JKM’s 20C & 25C Type Set, Circ Strikes85.7153.228852public3
Mr_Spud avatarMr_Spud5Mr_Spud's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1796-Present85.7155.068290public4
TerrysToners avatarTerrysToners6TerrysToners's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set52.3859.187275public5
Cat avatarCat7Cat's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set42.8663.896350public6
MeantToBeSpent avatarMeantToBeSpent8MeantToBeSpent's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set28.5767.924926public7
Risingsuncoins avatarRisingsuncoins9Risingsuncoins's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set38.1058.004591public8
dotson avatarDotson10Dotson's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set33.3339.432481public9
Agent86 avatarAgent8611Agent86's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set14.2965.672228public10
crispy_mofo avatarCrispy_mofo12Crispy_mofo's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set14.2965.672090public11
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals13Precious.time.and.metals's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set9.5266.251544public12
woody avatarWoody14Woody's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set9.5266.501516public13
BenKarr avatarBenKarr15BenKarr's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set14.2943.33888public14
FLXtreeguy avatarFLXtreeguy16FLXtreeguy's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set14.2923.17884public15
arkjones avatarArkjones17Arkjones's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.7670.00827public16
ShimonsworldEstate avatarShimonsworldEstate18Shimonsworld1's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set9.5238.50763public17
Peppermint07 avatarPeppermint0719Peppermint07's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.7666.00693public18
Camfamt124 avatarCamfamt12419Camfamt124's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.7666.00693public19
VDBCoins avatarVDBCoins 21VDBCoins's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.7664.00666public20
SharpStrikes avatarSharpStrikes22SharpStrikes' Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.7658.00487public21
DannehlsCoins avatarDannehlsCoins23DannehlsCoins's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.761.0073public22
csi1730 avatarCsi173024Csi1730's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set4.760.000public23
ldken avatarLdken25Ldken's Twenty Cent and Quarter Type Set00.000public24