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Two and Three Cents Type Set, Proofs, 1851-1889
Member Sets: 12 | Required Coins: 5
Top 5 All Time Leaderboard
Same as the Current Leaderboard for Top 5

Current Leaderboard
GregsCoins avatarGregsCoins1GregsCoins's Two and Three Cents Type Set60.0066.502416public0
Mountain avatarMountain2Mountain's Two and Three Cents Type Set60.0066.332255public1
Longacre59 avatarLongacre593JKM’s 2C & 3C Type Set, Proof Strikes60.0064.002000public2
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals4Precious times Two and Three Cents Type Set, Proofs, 1851-188940.0064.501453public3
Camfamt124 avatarCamfamt1245Camfamt124's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0065.501442public4
1873collection avatar1873collection61873collection's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0066.751440public5
alaura22 avatarAlaura227Alaura22's Two and Three Cents Type Set, Proofs, 1851-188920.0067.00826public6
abpoe avatarAbpoe8Abpoe's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0068.00816public7
LHall65 avatarLHall659LHall65's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0065.00790public8
Absurdum58 avatarAbsurdum5810Absurdum58's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0066.00739public9
Tsevni2 avatarTsevni211JCR’s Proof Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0065.00702public10