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Two and Three Cents Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1851-1889
Member Sets: 27 | Required Coins: 5
Top 5 All Time Leaderboard
Mountain avatarMountain1Mountain's Two and Three Cents Type Set100.0065.303746public0
alaura22 avatarAlaura222Alaura22's Two and Three Cents Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1851-1889100.0063.603459public1
Winesteven avatarWinesteven 3Winesteven's Two and Three Cents Type Set, 100% CAC, No Proofs Allowed80.0066.253384public2
TheOrleansIronHorseCollection avatarTheOrleansIronHorseCollection4TheOrleansIronHorseCollection's Two and Three Cents Type Set80.0065.883215public3
rlockey avatarRlockey5Two and Three Cents Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1851-188980.0065.503112public4
Current Leaderboard
Mountain avatarMountain1Mountain's Two and Three Cents Type Set100.0065.303746public0
alaura22 avatarAlaura222Alaura22's Two and Three Cents Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1851-1889100.0063.603459public1
Winesteven avatarWinesteven 3Winesteven's Two and Three Cents Type Set, 100% CAC, No Proofs Allowed80.0066.253384public2
rlockey avatarRlockey4Two and Three Cents Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1851-188980.0065.503112public3
Kevwoot avatarKevwoot5Two and Three Cents Type Set80.0064.502782public4
Tsevni2 avatarTsevni26JCR’s 2&3 Cent Type set100.0059.602642public5
GregsCoins avatarGregsCoins7GregsCoins's Two and Three Cents Type Set60.0066.672638public6
Mr_Spud avatarMr_Spud8Mr_Spud’s Two and Three Cent, Circulation Strikes Type Set100.0058.402559public7
Longacre59 avatarLongacre599JKM’s 2C & 3C Type Set, Circ Strikes100.0057.202529public8
ilikemoney avatarIlikemoney10Ilikemoney's Two and Three Cents Type Set60.0062.671855public9
Cat avatarCat11Cat's Two and Three Cents Type Set60.0056.171716public10
Absurdum58 avatarAbsurdum5812Absurdum58's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0063.001354public11
SandmanCnC avatarSandmanCnC13Sandman Coins & Collectables 2-cent & 3-cent Obsoletes100.0035.801349public12
TerrysToners avatarTerrysToners14TerrysToners's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0063.501334public13
Risingsuncoins avatarRisingsuncoins15Rising Sun Coins Funny Money60.0051.001228public14
Precious.time.and.metals avatarPrecious.time.and.metals16Precious.time.and.metals's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0059.001149public15
VDBCoins avatarVDBCoins 17VDBCoins's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0065.00807public16
ParkerCaudell avatarParkerCaudell17ParkerCaudell's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0065.00807public17
FLXtreeguy avatarFLXtreeguy19FLXtreeguy's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0064.00765public18
Camfamt124 avatarCamfamt12420Camfamt124's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0065.00702public19
coreyg089 avatarCoreyg08921Coreyg089's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0028.00638public20
dotson avatarDotson22Dotson's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.0040.00581public21
sanjoseslug avatarSanjoseslug24Sanjoseslug's Two and Three Cents Type Set40.001.00390public22
ShimonsworldEstate avatarShimonsworldEstate25Shimonsworld1's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0045.00287public23
woody avatarWoody26Woody's Two and Three Cents Type Set20.0040.00264public24