RyanG avatar RyanG > Sets > Dansco 7070 U.S. Type Set with Gold, Proof or Circulation Issues 1796-Present

Set Name
RyanG's Dansco 7070 Complete U.S. Type Set w/ Gold
U.S. Coins > Type Sets > Complete Type Sets
Set Rank
Set Completion
39 / 83
Missing Items
Total Points
1208primary imageDraped Bust Half Cent1804 Draped Bust Half Cent Spiked Chin PCGS AU-53 BNAU-53 BN33539543.0PCGS10751804Draped Bust Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBNSpiked Chin010
1331primary imageClassic Half Cent1828 Classic Half Cent 13 Stars PCGS MS-64 BNMS-64 BN491710282.0PCGS11471828Classic Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesBN13 Stars011
1709primary imageBraided Hair Half Cent1854 Braided Hair Half Cent CACG MS-64+ RBMS-64+ RB3470282452.0CACG12311854Braided Hair Half Cent1/2cUnited StatesRB112
1650primary imageDraped Bust Cent1807/6 Draped Bust Cent Large 7 Sheldon 273 NGC AU-55 BNAU-55 BN6835322-0074.0NGC364421807/6Draped Bust Cent1cUnited StatesBNLarge 7 Sheldon 273013
304primary imageClassic Cent1811/0 Classic Cent NGC F-12 BNF-12 BN6836082-0055.0NGC15581811/0Classic Cent1cUnited StatesBN014
158primary imageMatron Cent1837 Matron Cent Small Letters NGC F-15 BNF-15 BN6681298-0042.0NGC17321837Matron Cent1cUnited StatesBNSmall Letters015
Braided Hair CentNo Coin Allocated2.06
Flying Eagle CentNo Coin Allocated2.07
Indian Cent, Copper Nickel No Shield, 1859No Coin Allocated2.08
Indian Cent, Copper Nickel, 1860-1864No Coin Allocated2.09
813primary imageIndian Cent, Bronze, 1864-19091879 Indian Cent PCGS Proof-64 RB (CAC Green)Proof-64 RB384586621.0PCGSCAC23251879Indian Cent1cUnited StatesRB0110
1531Lincoln Cent, VDB, 19091909 Lincoln Cent V.D.B. PCGS MS-64 RBMS-64 RB219100872.0PCGS24241909Lincoln Cent1cUnited StatesRBV.D.B.0111
948primary imageLincoln Cent, Wheat Reverse, 1909-19581931-S Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 RDMS-65 RD98500201.0PCGS26201931Lincoln Cent1cSUnited StatesRD0112
Lincoln Cent, Memorial Reverse, 1943 SteelNo Coin Allocated1.013
1049primary imageLincoln Cent, Memorial Reverse, 1959-Present1995 Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Obverse PCGS MS-67 RDMS-67 RD601160691.0PCGS31271995Lincoln Cent1cUnited StatesRDDoubled Die Obverse0114
948Two-Cent Piece1864 Two-Cent Piece Large Motto PCGS MS-65 RDMS-65 RD252838021.0PCGS35781864Two-Cent Piece2cUnited StatesRDLarge Motto0115
Silver Three-Cent Piece, Type 1, 1851-1873No Coin Allocated2.016
666primary imageNickel Three-Cent Piece1872 Nickel Three-Cent Piece PCGS Proof-64Proof-6491086411.0PCGS37681872Nickel Three-Cent Piece3cnUnited States0117
Shield Nickel, Rays, 1866-1867No Coin Allocated2.018
1316primary imageShield Nickel, No Rays, 1867-18831875 Shield Nickel NGC Proof-65Proof-655230822-0012.0NGC38291875Shield Nickel5cUnited States0119
Liberty Nickel, No Cents, 1883No Coin Allocated1.020
702primary imageLiberty Nickel, With Cents, 1883-19131884 Liberty Nickel PCGS Proof-65 CAMEOProof-65 CAMEO139569471.0PCGS838821884Liberty Nickel5cUnited StatesCAMEO0121
Buffalo Nickel, Type 1, 1913No Coin Allocated1.022
702primary imageBuffalo Nickel, Type 2, 1913-19381914 Buffalo Nickel PCGS Proof-65Proof-65458509851.0PCGS39911914Buffalo Nickel5cUnited States0123
526primary imageJefferson Nickel, 1938-19641950 Jefferson Nickel ANACS Proof-65Proof-6571747691.0ANACS41821950Jefferson Nickel5cUnited States0124
Jefferson Nickel, Silver Alloy, 1942-1945No Coin Allocated1.025
218primary imageCapped Bust Half Dime1834 Capped Bust Half Dime NGC VF-20VF-205712604-0262.0NGC42811834Capped Bust Half DimeH10cUnited States0126
Seated Liberty Half Dime, No Stars, 1837-1838No Coin Allocated3.027
Seated Liberty Half Dime, No Drapery, 1838-1840No Coin Allocated2.028
Seated Liberty Half Dime, Arrows, 1853-1855No Coin Allocated2.029
Capped Bust Dime, Small Denticles, 1828-1837No Coin Allocated3.030
Seated Liberty Dime, No Stars, 1837-1838No Coin Allocated3.031
Seated Liberty Dime, No Drapery, 1838-1840No Coin Allocated2.032
Seated Liberty Dime, Arrows, 1853-1855No Coin Allocated2.033
1571primary imageSeated Liberty Dime, Legend, 1860-18911890 Seated Liberty Dime PCGS MS-66 (CAC Green)MS-66322513222.0PCGSCAC47041890Seated Liberty Dime10cUnited States0134
785primary imageBarber Dime1894 Barber Dime PCGS Proof-66 (CAC Green)Proof-66462132681.0PCGSCAC48781894Barber Dime10cUnited States0135
956primary imageMercury Dime1942-S Mercury Dime NGC MS-68 FBMS-68 FB6103798-0021.0NGC50431942Mercury Dime10cSUnited StatesFB1136
526primary imageRoosevelt Dime, Silver, 1946-19641950 Roosevelt Dime ANACS Proof-65Proof-6571747681.0ANACS52251950Roosevelt Dime10cUnited States0137
Roosevelt Dime, Clad, 1965 - PresentNo Coin Allocated1.038
Twenty-Cent PieceNo Coin Allocated1.039
Capped Bust Quarter, Small Size, 1831-1838No Coin Allocated4.040
Seated Liberty Quarter, 1838-1865No Coin Allocated3.041
Seated Liberty Quarter, Arrows, 1853-1855No Coin Allocated3.042
Seated Liberty Quarter, With Motto, 1866-1891No Coin Allocated2.043
37primary imageBarber Quarter1913-S Barber Quarter PCGS G-4G-4498194952.0PCGS56661913Barber Quarter25cSUnited States0144
1645primary imageStanding Liberty Quarter, Type 1, 1916-19171917 Standing Liberty Quarter Type 1 NGC MS-65 FHMS-65 FH3211011-0012.0NGC57071917Standing Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesFHType 11145
866primary imageStanding Liberty Quarter, Type 2, 1917-19301930 Standing Liberty Quarter NGC MS-66 FHMS-66 FH1893161-0151.0NGC57791930Standing Liberty Quarter25cUnited StatesFH0146
707primary imageWashington Quarter, 1932-19641932-D Washington Quarter PCGS MS-64 (CAC Green)MS-64314163001.0PCGSCAC57911932Washington Quarter25cDUnited States0147
Washington Quarter, 1965-PresentNo Coin Allocated1.048
Washington Quarter, 50 State Quarter, 1999-2008No Coin Allocated1.049
Washington Quarter, Bicentennial, 1976No Coin Allocated1.050
Flowing Hair Half DollarNo Coin Allocated7.051
593primary imageCapped Bust Half Dollar, Lettered Edge, 1807-18361819/8 Capped Bust Half Dollar Large 9 PCGS VF-30 (CAC Green)VF-30152459743.0PCGSCAC61191819/8Capped Bust Half Dollar50cUnited StatesLarge 90152
Capped Bust Half Dollar, Reeded Edge, 1836-1839No Coin Allocated3.053
1260primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, No Motto, 1839-18661860 Seated Liberty Half Dollar PCGS Proof-63Proof-63069360052.0PCGS64141860Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited States1154
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows and Rays, 1853No Coin Allocated3.055
0Seated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows, 1854-18551854-O Seated Liberty Half Dollar Arrows NGC1793967-1143.0NGC62801854Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cOUnited StatesArrows0156
1260primary imageSeated Liberty Half Dollar, Motto, 1866-18911885 Seated Liberty Half Dollar PCGS Proof-63 CAMEOProof-63 CAMEO496880172.0PCGS864461885Seated Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited StatesCAMEO0157
306primary imageBarber Half Dollar1912-S Barber Half Dollar PCGS XF-45XF-45264272451.0PCGS65261912Barber Half Dollar50cSUnited States0158
624Walking Liberty Half Dollar1939 Walking Liberty Half Dollar NGC MS-64MS-641951194-0011.0NGC66061939Walking Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited States0159
583primary imageFranklin Half Dollar1950 Franklin Half Dollar ANACS Proof-67Proof-6771747661.0ANACS66911950Franklin Half Dollar50cUnited States0160
Kennedy Half Dollar, 1964No Coin Allocated1.061
Kennedy Half Dollar, Bicentennial, 1976No Coin Allocated1.062
Kennedy Half Dollar, Clad, 1965- PresentNo Coin Allocated1.063
Trade Silver DollarNo Coin Allocated3.064
899primary imageMorgan Silver Dollar1885 Morgan Silver Dollar PCGS MS-64 DMPLMS-64 DMPL467073301.0PCGS971591885Morgan Silver Dollar$1United StatesDMPL0165
702Peace Silver Dollar, 1921-19351935 Peace Silver Dollar PCGS MS-65MS-65256033581.0PCGS73781935Peace Silver Dollar$1United States0166
Eisenhower Dollar, 1971-1978No Coin Allocated1.067
Eisenhower Dollar, Bicentennial, 1976No Coin Allocated1.068
Sacagawea Dollar, 2000-PresentNo Coin Allocated1.069
Susan B. Anthony Dollar, 1979-1999No Coin Allocated1.070
Liberty Gold DollarNo Coin Allocated2.071
Indian Princess Gold DollarNo Coin Allocated2.072
2179primary imageIndian Gold Quarter Eagle1927 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle PCGS MS-64+ (CAC Green)MS-64+359977523.0PCGSCAC79511927Indian Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50United States0173
1190primary imageLiberty Gold Quarter Eagle1902 Liberty Gold Quarter Eagle PCGS MS-62MS-62492841062.0PCGS78541902Liberty Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50United States0174
1997primary imageIndian Gold Half Eagle1913 Indian Gold Half Eagle PCGS MS-64MS-64492953043.0PCGS85251913Indian Gold Half Eagle$5United States0175
528primary imageLiberty Gold Half Eagle1857 Liberty Gold Half Eagle PCGS XF-40XF-40415225882.0PCGS82711857Liberty Gold Half Eagle$5United States0176
1890primary imageLiberty Gold Eagle1901-S Liberty Gold Eagle PCGS MS-63MS-6322220643.0PCGS87491901Liberty Gold Eagle$10 SUnited States0177
4134primary imageIndian Gold Eagle1926 Indian Gold Eagle NGC MS-63MS-63403032-0097.0NGC88821926Indian Gold Eagle$10 United States1178
2808primary imageLiberty Gold Double Eagle1903 Liberty Gold Double Eagle PCGS MS-65MS-65419616784.0PCGS90431903Liberty Gold Double Eagle$20 United States0179
1404primary imageSaint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, 1907-19331908 Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle No Motto PCGS MS-65MS-65500890902.0PCGS91421908Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle$20 United StatesNo Motto0180
882Modern Commemorative, 1983-present2016-W Mercury Dime 100th Anniversary Gold First Strike PCGS SP-70SP-70810057871.0PCGS5985982016Mercury Dime 100th Anniversary Gold10cWUnited StatesFirst Strike0181
856Silver Eagles, 1986-present2006 $1 Silver Eagle First Strike PCGS MS-69MS-69100097791.0PCGS899812006$1 Silver Eagle$1 United StatesFirst Strike0182
