TerrysToners avatar TerrysToners > Sets > First Year of Issue Complete U.S. Type Set, All Strikes, 1792-1964

Set Name
TerrysToners's Complete U.S. Type Set
U.S. Coins > Type Sets > Complete Type Sets
Set Rank
Set Completion
108 / 132
Missing Items
Total Points
Liberty Cap Half Cent, Left Facing, 1793No Coin Allocated8.00
Liberty Cap Half Cent, Right Facing, 1794No Coin Allocated7.01
Liberty Cap Half Cent, Right Facing Small Head, 1795-1797No Coin Allocated6.02
Draped Bust Half CentNo Coin Allocated3.03
Classic Half CentNo Coin Allocated2.04
Braided Hair Half CentNo Coin Allocated2.05
Chain CentNo Coin Allocated9.06
Wreath CentNo Coin Allocated8.07
Liberty Cap Cent, Beaded Edge, 1793No Coin Allocated10.08
Liberty Cap Cent, Denticle Edge, 1794-1796No Coin Allocated6.09
Draped Bust CentNo Coin Allocated4.010
Classic CentNo Coin Allocated5.011
Matron CentNo Coin Allocated2.012
Braided Hair CentNo Coin Allocated2.013
Flying Eagle CentNo Coin Allocated2.014
Indian Cent, Copper Nickel No Shield, 1859No Coin Allocated2.015
Indian Cent, Copper Nickel, 1860-1864No Coin Allocated2.016
Indian Cent, Bronze, 1864-1909No Coin Allocated1.017
1075primary imageLincoln Cent, Wheat Reverse, 1909-19581909 Lincoln Cent V.D.B. PCGS MS-67+ RDMS-67+ RD453592571.0PCGS24251909Lincoln Cent1cUnited StatesRDV.D.B.0118
998Lincoln Cent, Memorial Reverse, 1959-19641959-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-66 RDMS-66 RD372812071.0PCGS28571959Lincoln Cent1cDUnited StatesRD0119
Two-Cent PieceNo Coin Allocated1.020
Silver Three-Cent Piece, Type 1, 1851-1853No Coin Allocated2.021
Silver Three-Cent Piece, Type 2, 1854-1858No Coin Allocated2.022
Silver Three-Cent Piece, Type 3, 1859-1872No Coin Allocated2.023
Nickel Three-Cent PieceNo Coin Allocated1.024
448Shield Nickel, Rays, 1866-18671866 Shield Nickel Rays PCGS VF-35VF-35837994212.0PCGS37901866Shield Nickel5cUnited StatesRays0125
Shield Nickel, No Rays, 1867-1883No Coin Allocated2.026
777primary imageLiberty Nickel, No Cents, 18831883 Liberty Nickel No CENTS PCGS MS-67MS-67396175851.0PCGS38411883Liberty Nickel5cUnited StatesNo CENTS0127
Liberty Nickel, With Cents, 1883-1913No Coin Allocated1.028
805primary imageBuffalo Nickel, Type 1, 19131913-D Buffalo Nickel Type 1 PCGS MS-66+ (CAC Green)MS-66+381581711.0PCGSCAC39161913Buffalo Nickel5cDUnited StatesType 10129
739primary imageBuffalo Nickel, Type 2, 1913-19381913 Buffalo Nickel Type 2 PCGS MS-66MS-66460015781.0PCGS39211913Buffalo Nickel5cUnited StatesType 20130
996primary imageJefferson Nickel, 1938-19641938 Jefferson Nickel PCGS MS-67+ FSMS-67+ FS420611271.0PCGS840001938Jefferson Nickel5cUnited StatesFS0131
1020primary imageJefferson Nickel, Silver Alloy, 1942-19451942-D Jefferson Nickel Type 1 PCGS MS-68 FSMS-68 FS403268681.0PCGS840141942Jefferson Nickel5cDUnited StatesFSType 10132
Flowing Hair Half Dime/Half Disme, 1792No Coin Allocated9.033
Flowing Hair Half Dime, 1794-1795No Coin Allocated5.034
Draped Bust Half Dime, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated6.035
Draped Bust Half Dime, Large Eagle, 1800-1805No Coin Allocated6.036
1367primary imageCapped Bust Half Dime1829 Capped Bust Half Dime PCGS MS-64+MS-64+450964682.0PCGS42761829Capped Bust Half DimeH10cUnited States0137
Seated Liberty Half Dime, No Stars, 1837-1838No Coin Allocated3.038
Seated Liberty Half Dime, No Drapery, 1838-1840No Coin Allocated2.039
Seated Liberty Half Dime, Drapery, 1840-1859No Coin Allocated2.040
Seated Liberty Half Dime, Arrows, 1853-1855No Coin Allocated2.041
Seated Liberty Half Dime, Legend, 1860-1873No Coin Allocated2.042
Draped Bust Dime, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated7.043
Draped Bust Dime, Large Eagle, 1798-1807No Coin Allocated5.044
Capped Bust Dime, Large Denticles, 1809-1828No Coin Allocated3.045
Capped Bust Dime, Small Denticles, 1828-1837No Coin Allocated3.046
Seated Liberty Dime, No Stars, 1837-1838No Coin Allocated3.047
Seated Liberty Dime, No Drapery, 1838-1840No Coin Allocated2.048
Seated Liberty Dime, Drapery, 1840-1860No Coin Allocated2.049
Seated Liberty Dime, Arrows, 1853-1855No Coin Allocated2.050
Seated Liberty Dime, Legend, 1860-1891No Coin Allocated2.051
Seated Liberty Dime, Arrows, 1873-1874No Coin Allocated2.052
805Barber Dime1892 Barber Dime PCGS MS-66+ (CAC Green)MS-66+382643481.0PCGSCAC47961892Barber Dime10cUnited States0153
487primary imageMercury Dime1916 Mercury Dime PCGS AU-58AU-58414788871.0PCGS49041916Mercury Dime10cUnited States0154
971Roosevelt Dime1946-S Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS-67 FBMS-67 FB829981421.0PCGS850841946Roosevelt Dime10cSUnited StatesFB0155
666primary imageTwenty-Cent Piece1875-CC Twenty-Cent Piece PCGS MS-64MS-64428490351.0PCGS52971875Twenty-Cent Piece20cCCUnited States0156
Draped Bust Quarter, Small Eagle, 1796No Coin Allocated8.057
Draped Bust Quarter, Large Eagle, 1804-1807No Coin Allocated5.058
Capped Bust Quarter, Large Size, 1815-1828No Coin Allocated4.059
Capped Bust Quarter, Small Size, 1831-1838No Coin Allocated4.060
Seated Liberty Quarter, No Drapery, 1838-1840No Coin Allocated4.061
Seated Liberty Quarter, No Motto, 1840-1865No Coin Allocated2.062
Seated Liberty Quarter, Arrows and Rays, 1853No Coin Allocated3.063
Seated Liberty Quarter, No Motto, 1854-1855No Coin Allocated2.064
Seated Liberty Quarter, With Motto, 1866-1891No Coin Allocated2.065
Seated Liberty Quarter, Motto and Arrows, 1873-1874No Coin Allocated3.066
1404primary imageBarber Quarter1892 Barber Quarter PCGS MS-65MS-65394814622.0PCGS56011892Barber Quarter25cUnited States0167
Standing Liberty Quarter, Type 1, 1916-1917No Coin Allocated2.068
225primary imageStanding Liberty Quarter, Type 2, 1917-19301917-S Standing Liberty Quarter Type 2 PCGS Genuine AU DetailsAU Details412271431.0PCGS57181917Standing Liberty Quarter25cSUnited StatesType 20169
Washington Quarter, 1932-1964No Coin Allocated1.070
Flowing Hair Half DollarNo Coin Allocated7.071
Draped Bust Half Dollar, Small Eagle, 1796-1797No Coin Allocated9.072
Draped Bust Half Dollar, Large Eagle, 1801-1807No Coin Allocated5.073
Capped Bust Half Dollar, Half Dollar, 1838-1839No Coin Allocated3.074
Capped Bust Half Dollar, Lettered Edge, 1807-1836No Coin Allocated3.075
Capped Bust Half Dollar, Reeded Edge , 1836-1837No Coin Allocated3.076
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, No Drapery, 1839No Coin Allocated5.077
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, No Motto, 1839-1966No Coin Allocated2.078
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, No Arrows and Rays, 1853No Coin Allocated3.079
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows, 1854-1855No Coin Allocated3.080
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, Motto, 1866-1891No Coin Allocated2.081
Seated Liberty Half Dollar, Arrows, 1873-74No Coin Allocated3.082
630Barber Half Dollar1892 Barber Half Dollar PCGS MS-63MS-63401030081.0PCGS64611892Barber Half Dollar50cUnited States0183
630Walking Liberty Half Dollar1916 Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS-63MS-63434277521.0PCGS65661916Walking Liberty Half Dollar50cUnited States0184
826primary imageFranklin Half Dollar1948 Franklin Half Dollar PCGS MS-67 FBL (CAC Green)MS-67 FBL428081691.0PCGSCAC866511948Franklin Half Dollar50cUnited StatesFBL0185
758primary imageKennedy Half Dollar, 19641964-D Kennedy Half Dollar PCGS MS-66+MS-66+424723441.0PCGS67071964Kennedy Half Dollar50cDUnited States0186
Flowing Hair Silver DollarNo Coin Allocated8.087
Draped Bust Silver Dollar, Small Eagle, 1795-1798No Coin Allocated7.088
Draped Bust Silver Dollar, Large Eagle, 1798-1804No Coin Allocated6.089
Seated Liberty Silver Dollar, No Motto 1840-1865No Coin Allocated4.090
Seated Liberty Silver Dollar, Motto 1866-1873No Coin Allocated4.091
Trade Silver DollarNo Coin Allocated3.092
666primary imageMorgan Silver Dollar1878-CC Morgan Silver Dollar PCGS MS-64MS-64368346281.0PCGS70801878Morgan Silver Dollar$1CCUnited States0193
1260Peace Silver Dollar, High Relief, 19211921 Peace Silver Dollar High Relief PCGS MS-63MS-63107618792.0PCGS73561921Peace Silver Dollar$1United StatesHigh Relief0194
630primary imagePeace Silver Dollar, Low Relief, 1922-19351922-D Peace Silver Dollar PCGS MS-63MS-63380359261.0PCGS73581922Peace Silver Dollar$1DUnited States0195
806primary imageLiberty Gold Dollar, Type 1, 1849-18541849-O Liberty Gold Dollar PCGS AU-53AU-53453623852.0PCGS75081849Liberty Gold Dollar$1 OUnited States0196
Indian Princess Gold Dollar, Type 2, 1954-1856No Coin Allocated3.097
Indian Princess Gold Dollar, Type 3, 1856-1889No Coin Allocated2.098
Capped Bust Right Gold Quarter Eagle, No Stars, 1796No Coin Allocated9.099
Capped Bust Right Gold Quarter Eagle, Stars, 1796-1807No Coin Allocated7.0100
Capped Bust Left Gold Quarter Eagle, 1808No Coin Allocated9.0101
Capped Head Gold Quarter Eagle, Large Denticles, 1821-1827No Coin Allocated7.0102
Capped Head Gold Quarter Eagle, Small Denticles, 1829-1834No Coin Allocated6.0103
Classic Gold Quarter EagleNo Coin Allocated4.0104
672primary imageIndian Gold Quarter Eagle1908 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle PCGS VF-35VF-35475068303.0PCGS79391908Indian Gold Quarter Eagle$2.50United States01105
Liberty Gold Quarter EagleNo Coin Allocated2.0106
Three-Dollar Gold PieceNo Coin Allocated4.0107
Capped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle, Small Eagle, 1795-1798No Coin Allocated8.0108
Capped Bust Right Gold Half Eagle, Large Eagle, 1795-1807No Coin Allocated6.0109
Capped Bust Left Gold Half Eagle, Large Bust, 1807-1812No Coin Allocated6.0110
Capped Head Gold Half Eagle, Small Bust, Large Size, 1813-1829No Coin Allocated6.0111
Capped Head Gold Half Eagle, Small Bust, Small Size, 1829-1834No Coin Allocated8.0112
Classic Head Gold Half EagleNo Coin Allocated4.0113
Indian Gold Half EagleNo Coin Allocated3.0114
Liberty Gold Half Eagle, No Motto, 1839-1866No Coin Allocated3.0115
Liberty Gold Half Eagle, Motto, 1866-1908No Coin Allocated3.0116
Capped Bust Gold Eagle, Small Eagle, 1795-1797No Coin Allocated8.0117
Capped Bust Gold Eagle, Large Eagle, 1797-1804No Coin Allocated7.0118
Liberty Gold Eagle, No Motto Covered Ear, 1838-1839No Coin Allocated7.0119
Liberty Gold Eagle, No Motto, 1840-1866No Coin Allocated4.0120
Liberty Gold Eagle, With Motto, 1866-1907No Coin Allocated3.0121
Indian Gold Eagle, Rolled Edge, 1907No Coin Allocated7.0122
Indian Gold Eagle, Wire Edge, 1907No Coin Allocated3.0123
Indian Gold Eagle, No Motto, 1907-1908No Coin Allocated3.0124
Indian Gold Eagle, Motto, 1908-1933No Coin Allocated3.0125
Liberty Gold Double Eagle, No Motto 1850-1866No Coin Allocated4.0126
Liberty Gold Double Eagle, With Motto, 1866-1876No Coin Allocated3.0127
Liberty Gold Double Eagle, Twenty Dollars, 1877-1907No Coin Allocated2.0128
Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, High Relief, 1907No Coin Allocated6.0129
Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, No Motto, 1907-1908No Coin Allocated4.0130
Saint-Gaudens Gold Double Eagle, Motto, 1908-1933No Coin Allocated2.0131
