How much do people pay for ngc coins vs pcgs coins of the same grade? I've seen a lot of sales and a vast majority of pcgs coins tend to sell about 15 to 20 percent more. Do dealers differentiate between the two when buying and selling?
How much do people pay for ngc coins vs pcgs coins of the same grade? I've seen a lot of sales and a vast majority of pcgs coins tend to sell about 15 to 20 percent more. Do dealers differentiate between the two when buying and selling?
While in theory an identical coin should be valued the same regardless of holder, the “market” does indeed value them differently, right or wrong.
If all one cares about is the coin itself, and that person has excellent grading skills, many “bargains” can be found in NGC holders, especially if the NGC whole grade has been reconfirmed as “solid for the grade” by having a CAC sticker!