G_CALZONE avatar G_CALZONE > Inventory > 1951-D Roosevelt Dime PCGS Genuine Unc Details

Coin Overview
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Grade / Sticker
Unc Details
Certification Number
Allocated Sets
Unallocated Sets
Eligible Set Definitions
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Coin Details
Country:   United States Designer:   John R. Sinnock
PCGS #:   5098 NGC #:   15098
GSID #:   4709 ANACS ID:   5098
Mintage:   unavailable Mint Location:   Denver
Diameter:   17.9 Millimeters Weight:   2.5 Grams
Composition:   .900 silver, .100 copper (net weight: .07234 oz pure silver)
Allocated Sets
8G_CALZONE's Roosevelt Dimes SetRoosevelt Dimes Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1946-196445.830
Eligible Set Definitions
91Complete Type SetsComplete U.S. Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1792-19641322023-07-06 12:00:000
70Complete Type SetsCopper, Nickel and Silver Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1792-1964962025-01-09 19:53:461
10Complete Type SetsCopper, Nickel and Silver Type Set, Circulation Strikes or Proof 1792-1964962023-10-31 18:53:462
65Complete Type SetsSilver Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1792-1964672023-10-31 18:58:253
26Complete Type SetsSilver Type Set, Proof or Circulation Strikes, 1792-1964672024-10-14 18:58:254
24Complete Type SetsModern Type Set, Circulation Strikes, 1950-present492024-10-30 23:45:185
21Complete Type SetsModern Type Set, Complete, Specimen and Circulation Strikes, 1950-present512024-10-30 23:45:186
64Era Type Sets20th Century Type Set, Major Types No Gold, Circulation Strikes (1900-1999)382023-11-04 04:23:347
55Era Type Sets20th Century Type Set, Circulation or Proof, 1900-1999502024-03-13 04:23:348
34Design Type SetsBasic U.S. Coin Design Set no Gold, 1792 - Present612024-09-19 16:45:459
33Design Type SetsBasic U.S. Coin Design Set, with Gold, 1792 - Present822024-09-19 16:45:4510
63Complete Type SetsDansco 7070 U.S. Type Set without Gold, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present732024-01-09 04:53:3311
74Complete Type SetsDansco 7070 U.S. Type Set with Gold, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present832024-01-08 22:08:5012
72Complete Type SetsDansco 7070 U.S. Type Set without Gold, Proof or Circulation Issues 1796-Present742024-01-11 04:50:0513
85Complete Type SetsDansco 7070 U.S. Type Set with Gold, Proof or Circulation Issues 1796-Present832024-01-11 04:53:2014
31Denomination Type SetsDime Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present142023-10-20 19:43:5515
35Denomination Type SetsDime Type Set, Proof or Circulation Strikes 1796-Present142024-01-17 00:10:4116
54Type Sets by MintDenver Basic Type Set 1906-Present312023-07-07 18:25:5117
35Sets by DenominationU.S. Dimes Complete Set with Major Varieties, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present5072023-10-06 19:17:1118
26Sets by DenominationU.S. Dimes Complete Set with All Varieties, Circulation Strikes 1796-Present6912023-10-16 18:42:5619
18Roosevelt Dimes - Specialty SetsRoosevelt Dimes Date Set, Circulation Strikes 1946-Present772023-07-06 12:00:0020
23Roosevelt Dimes - Specialty SetsRoosevelt Dimes Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1946-Present1632023-07-06 12:00:0021
19Roosevelt Dimes - Specialty SetsRoosevelt Dimes with Major Varieties, Circulation Strikes 1946-Present1762023-07-06 12:00:0022
20Roosevelt Dimes - Specialty SetsRoosevelt Dimes Basic Set, Circulation Strikes 1946-1964482023-07-06 12:00:0023
16Mint Sets1951 Mint Set152023-07-06 12:00:0024
10Complete Type SetsComplete U.S. Type Set, Circulation Strikes 1792-1964 One Fifty-Eight Set1322025-01-15 13:00:0025
9Era Type Sets20th Century Type Set, Major Types No Gold, Circulation Strikes 1900-1999 One Fifty-Eight Set382025-01-16 05:23:3426
9Era Type Sets20th Century Type Set, Major Types, With Gold, 1900-1999 One Fifty-Eight Set502025-01-16 05:23:3427
